Feed Santa's Starving Reindeer

Christmas is coming and vampire wars has something for us, it's called Feed Santa's Starving Reindeer. Yeah! that's right we need to feed vampire santa's starving reindeer. As you can see the reindeer looks very skinny and unhealthy. Since we all know that Christmas is a day of giving and loving what way to celebrate Christmas by helping this poor reindeer to gain back it's normal healthy condition. All we need to do is to feed this reindeer. We can get the reindeer's food by doing normal mission or by clan gifts. It appears randomly in normal missions.

Vampire Santa's reindeer is a bit strange because it only eats once a day. That's his diet and it means that you can feed him once a day. Each time you feed the Reindeer it will gain a Mission Mastery %. This event will end at January 6th, 2010.


As a reward for feeding the Reindeer you can win the three types of Army of Snow. The more you feed the Reindeer before the event ends, the better the version of Army of Snow you can get. The prize you are awarded is based on how well you take care of the reindeer.
  • 1%-50%: Army of Snow
  • 51% - 99% Greater Army of Snow
  • 100% - Superior Army of Snow


  1. will santa give out pyrokinese during this period?

  2. No, The 3 types of army of snow is the only reward for this event.

  3. for this event you can only get the three army of snow, however you can still get pyrokinese from gifting normally which I think ChaozRiser was asking...

  4. What do they mean when they say the prize is based on how well you take care of the reindeer. If you can only feed him once a day? What else is there?

  5. If you complete 100% of the mission, you’ll receive all three abilities. however if you only got 1%-50% the reward is Army of Snow, 51% - 99% Army of Snow and Greater Army of Snow.


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