Facebook Spybot Alert!

Have you noticed your Facebook becoming slow? I honestly didn't notice it until I've found out about the Spybot. I also don't know what Spybot is and what they do but I have a strong feeling that it has the same purpose as Spyware "Spyware is any technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge". So it's better to get rid of these things so we can surf the web safer.

A fellow vamp Elite Vampires group member Jan Byrne is so kind enough to post it in the group wall to alert us all. Also Rob Swinfield RoostaBoosta for sending me a message regarding the Spybot.

How to get rid of the Spybot

Let's take Rob instruction on how to get rid of the Spybot.

Move cursor over SETTINGS(blue bar), click on APPLICATION SETTINGS,
just below settings is a box that shows - Show: Recently used, click down arrow and click Added to Profile, under the first box (Added Profile tabs) If you see one in there called "unnamed app" delete it... Its an internal spybot.
Hope this helps your computer run faster, check regulary for "unnamed app" then just delete them.

Happy Hunting Vamps!


  1. There is also a spyware program called spybot.

  2. any proof of this being a "spybot"? or is this just a app that the maker gave up on let removed everything...

  3. Here is another good one and it is free http://www.superantispyware.com/

  4. after removing the un named app, my info, friends and boxes that i had on my FB profile disappeared? anyone know how to get it back? thanks!

  5. I just foolishly removed mine and am trying to find out the same thing. Grr.

  6. same thing here-- info on profile wall is gone and info tab information is gone-- I did get my boxes tab back by going to the things/apps that I had in my boxes and edit settings on each-- 1st say, remove box, then add it again-- Those came back-- ALSO-- the "unamed app" is already back in the same place where I deleted it from--

  7. I deleted mine, and I can't access anything else in facebook either. But my daughter's account did not have it, and all her stuff is gone too... So I am not sure it was removing the unnamed app that did that...

  8. glad to hear that-- maybe it's just a temp glitch that FB will fix!! :)
    i hope....

  9. @1st comment - The Spybot your talking about is the Spyware and Adware removal program which is named Spybot Search & Destroy (S&D).

    @2nd comment - I have no proof that it is a Spybot and if it's a Spybot I'm not sure what it does, like what I've said I didn't notice the unnamed app at all but I would suggest to removed application that you don't trust.

    @ladyl33ta, I'm not sure what happened to your account. After I removed the unnamed app in my profile everything seems to be OK in my account.

  10. To get your "Boxes Tab" back..which is what your guys are deleting..go to your profile page, find any box on it, click on the "pencil" in the right upper hand corner and click "move to boxes tab.
    Back to normal!

  11. www.facebook.com/help/?question=327204


    Google, use it.

  12. I've deleted it and my FB is running fine, none of these missing boxes that everyone's reporting. I had that problem a few weeks ago, as far as I'm aware, it's just a temporary glitch and should fix itself in due course. As for the unnamed App...I don't know what it is or how it got there, so I deleted it.

  13. Here's some more info on it, and how to fix your Boxes tab if anyone fell for the hoax:


  14. Snopes.com states that it is not a spybot:

    Why all browsers get slow:

    How to make Firefox run faster:

    What is Facebook doing that is causing this:

    If your computer suddenly shuts down, most likely inside your computer the fan that sits over your chips has too much dust in it.. clean it out and it will work again:

  15. CNN: In the news:

  16. Spyware Search & Destroy is NOT spyware. Best Buy's Geek Squad runs this program on every single computer they "fix". That and CCleaner. It's a great program. WTF?


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